Anyhoo. When I came back Fern had "organized" the cart. I say EDITED!!!! As in I know I had a dozen each of each color of silk zinnia. And the tiny precious rosebuds with the little fake raindrop, at least two dozen of the white ones. She claims I'm over-exaggerating.

I managed to grab a few bundles extra as we headed toward the line. Next time I take her flower shopping I'll wear a depends. That's a promise! And a threat!
We have three great prizes.
Hobby Lobby $20,
Trader Joe's $20,
Amazon $10 plus a copy of our story in paperback!!!!
Three prizes. So far we have the following bouquets representing YOUR creativity.
Let's AMP this party UP!

RULES: Through June 15th at 11:59 p.m.

Take a picture of a bouquet.
Post it on Facebook with the following: (Just copy and paste into the Say something about)
Just entered this beauty for a fabulous giveaway. @KellyKlepfer and @FernandZula See rules here. http://fernandzula.blogspot.com/2017/06/times-ticking.html

Post your picture on Twitter with the following:
Just entered for a fabulous #giveaway. @KellyKlepfer @MichelleGriep #FernandZula See rules here. http://fernandzula.blogspot.com/2017/06/times-ticking.html

And then, just to make sure we don't miss the entry email the writer at kelly.klepfer@gmail.com and tell her what you did! Easy peasy. Enter as often as you like. Go crazy with bouquets. You do not have to make them, just take a picture of one.
Or, just go buy 10 copies of our story on Amazon and we'll gladly enter you for that. Send your receipt to the email addy above. Just kidding. But if you wanted to we sure wouldn't be upset...just sayin.
I tweeted your event, Also blogged about it at TBCN and ADDED a discussion at your author page http://www.bookfun.org/profiles/blogs/enter-kelly-klepfer-s-contest-today-it-s-easy